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Silsila Saahas Ka - 2

Writer: Vedika KhannaVedika Khanna

Three Tiny Tales of Tough Ladies

We hope you enjoyed your little journey with Silsila Saahas Ka last time! Today, we're back again to take you on tour and meet some phenomenal people.

We begin our journey in the bustling gullies of Lucknow, where we meet Ruchi, a trainer at Aatm Nirbhar who did not compromise one dream for another. Mathura is just a hop, skip and jump away (on paper at least!) and so we make our way to Sudha’s Beauty Parlour, who welcomes us warmly, hefting her six-month-old baby in her arms, a huge smile on her face. Finally, we reach the Aatm Nirbhar Headquarters, and see Sadhna looking out of the window, waiting for us. She’s just finished sending some of her savings to her family in the village.

Grab a garam chay ki pyali, and settle down as we journey through Uttar Pradesh to meet these incredible women and read their heart-warming stories.



Ruchi joined Aatm Nirbhar in 2018 as a trainer, and as trainings picked up pace, she was occupied for all her hours as a full-time trainer. Now, two-and-a-half years later, she has changed the lives of nearly 600 women by teaching them to ride a scooter! Though she loved her job ardently, she had another dream to pursue too. She saved up money from her earnings, picked up from the confidence of the women she trained, and is now the proud owner of a store named Grahasti situated in Lucknow. Grahasti caters to the taste buds, and is home to an array of delectable snacks. As I stand in her shop sampling her unbeatable samosas, she tells me that watching the women around her chase their dreams after they learnt to ride a scooter, she was inspired to do so herself. She continues with Aatm Nirbhar part-time. As I ramble onward from her shop, I am still enveloped by the lingering aromas of her handmade snacks, and the sweet scent of her success.



Sudha recently joined as a part-time trainer with Aatm Nirbhar in Mathura. Just a few months ago, she gave birth to her little bundle of joy. Though abundantly thankful for her baby, she was worried about her financial situation. The parlour she ran was gradually becoming a liability -- the lockdown had sucked her dry of customers. Sudha had reached a point where she no longer knew what to do, but she knew one thing with all her heart-- that she wanted the best for her baby. Saluting her determination, fate bowed down and led her to Aatm Nirbhar. Sudha now earns well, and is comfortable with her situation. Now when she looks at the face of her baby, she no longer sees questions and doubts about the future - all she sees is unbounded joy.



A couple of years ago, Sadhna’s life shattered when her family incurred a loss of 15-16 lakhs. Despite the huge impact, Sadhna was exceptionally brave. She rolled up her sleeves and decided to work. Though she’d joined Aatm Nirbhar to support her family financially, she soon grew to love her job more than anything else. She believes she could not have found her ikigai elsewhere. She works full-time, but has plenty of time for her 3 children, who need her especially since their father lives in a different city. Sadhna’s determination and dedication stuns us everyday! Apart from managing her job and family, she also visits her village during harvest time to lend a hand. We asked her about her favourite part of her busy life, and she said, “The smile of an empowered woman!”


If you’ve felt a smile creep onto your face in the past couple of minutes, we consider ourselves successful! We wish you an amazing day, and pray that you find the courage within you to overcome and rise above any struggles in your life. You have it within you!



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